Character Analysis: Pip

             Phillip Pirrip is the main character from Great Expectations, he is better known as Pip. He is a protagonist whose actions and decisions make up the entire plot of the story. Pip also, narrates the book. Therefore, understanding Pip’s character is a key step in understanding the book in general. While reading this book you get to know two sides of Pip, the young one that the story is about and the older one who is telling the story. Pip the narrator’s perspective of younger Pip is at times ashamed and disappointed in the actions of young Pip. One of the most well written aspects of this book is the distinguishing of the two Pips that the reader gets to know. Younger Pip tends to be immature at times, as well as idealistic. He is immature because he does not like to face the truth. And he is idealistic because he is captured by his romantic idealism of Estella.  He is also a very frightened child towards the beginning of the story because his sister constantly punishes his by inflicting him with physical pain. Pip is quite narrow minded at times for he only focuses on what is most important to him, such as becoming a proper gentlemen. Once he acquires his vast wealth Pip becomes snobby. He starts treating everyone as if they are nothing compared to him. As the book progresses and Pip grows into a man he begins to have morals. He is able to distinguish what he should do in order to win back the respect he lost when he had acted snobby and superior towards his friends