Personal Narative

 Miss. Joe would constantly beat on Joe and Pip and at one point Joe told Pip that "...and she got up and she made a grab for the Tickler, and she ram-paged out." (page seven). The tickler is a nickname for a wax ended piece if cane. Miss. Joe used the tickler on Pip constantly to hurt him proving that Miss. Joe was abusive. There is someone in my life that was also abused at one point in there life. As a child the person I know was beat numerous times by his/her father. We will refer to this person as Spencer for that is a name that could be for either a male or female and the name of the person will remained unknown for personal reasons. Unlike Miss. Joe, Spencer was not force fed water mixed with tar, but at one point Spencer was hit on the head with a hard object that resulted in a small scar that still remains on his/her head. Also, unlike the case of Joe and Miss. Joe, Spencer and his/her mother left the person inflicting all of the physical, and emotional pain on them because they could no longer take the constant abuse. The reason Spencer’s father abused the two was most likely the same reason the Miss. Joe abused Joe and Pip. This is to exert their power and make themselves feel more superior against the people that they are abusing. Spencer’s father was most likely more dominant then Miss. Joe because as a male he was physically stronger than Miss. Joe would have been. It is very sad and disturbing when any person, no matter who it is, is abused. The fact of the mater is there is no person in the world that deserves to be beaten relentlessly for no apparent reason. Therefore, what Miss. Joe and Spencer’s father did was morally wrong, disgusting and down right sickening.  

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